27012546That, which long proce
sse could not arbitrate.
27022547And though the mourning brow of progenie
27032548Forbid the
smyling courtecie of Loue,
27042549The holy
suite which faine it would conuince,
since Loues argument was
st on foote,
27062551Let not the cloude of Sorrow iu
stle it
27072552From what it purpo
since to wayle friendes lo
27082553Is not by much
so hold
some pro
27092554As to reioyce at friendes but newly found.
27102555Quee. I vnder
stand you not, my griefes are double.
27112556Bero. Hone
st plaine words, be
st pearce the eare of griefe,
27122557And by the
se badges vnder
stand the King,
27132558For your faire
sakes, haue we negle
cted time.
27142559Plaide foule
play with our othes: your beautie Ladies
27152560Hath much deformed vs, fa
shioning our humours
27162561Euen to the oppo
sed ende of our ententes.
27172562And what in vs hath
seemed rediculous:
27182563As Loue is full of vnbe
27192564All wanton as a childe,
skipping and vaine.
27202565Formd by the eye, and therefore like the eye.
27212566Full of
shapes, of habites and of formes:
27222567Varying in
ctes as the eye doth roule,
27232568To euery varied obie
ct in his glaunce:
27242569Which partie coted pre
sence of loo
se loue
27252570Put on by vs, if in your heauenly eyes,
27262571Haue mi
sbecombd our othes and grauities.
se heauenly eyes that looke into the
se faultes,
sted vs to make, therefore Ladies
27292574Our loue being yours, the errour that Loue makes
27302575Is likewi
se yours: we to our
selues proue fal
27312576By being once falce, for euer to be true
27322577To tho
se that make vs both faire Ladies you.
27332578And euen that fal
shood in it
selfe a
27342579Thus puri
fies it
selfe and turns to grace.
27352580Quee. We haue receiud your Letters, full of Loue:
27362581Your Fauours, emba
ssadours of Loue.
27372582And in our mayden coun
saile rated them,
27382583At court
shyp plea
sant ie
st and courtecie,