11611084Holo. Sir
Nathaniel, haud credo.
11621085Dul. Twas not a
haud credo, twas a Pricket.
11631086Holo. Mo
st barbarous intimation: yet a kind of in
- 11641087tion, as it were
in via, in way of explication
facere: as it were
11651088replication, or rather
ostentare, to
show as it were his inclina
- 11661089tion after his vndre
ssed, vnpoli
shed, vneducated, vnpruned,
11671090vntrained, or rather vnlettered, or rathere
st vncon
firmed fa
- 11681091shion, to in
sert again my
haud credo for a Deare.
11701092Dul. I
said the Deare was not a
haud credo, twas a Pricket.
11721093Holo. Twice
bis coctus, O thou mon
11731094ignorance, How deformed doo
st thou looke.
11741095Nath. Sir he hath neuer fed of the dainties that are bred
11761097He hath not eate paper as it were: he hath not drunke inck.
11781098His intelle
ct is not repleni
shed, he is only an annimall, only
11791099 sen
sible in the duller partes: and
such barren plantes are
11801100 set before vs, that we thankful
should be: which we ta
11811101 and feeling, are for tho
se partes that doe fru
fie in vs
11831103For as it would ill become me to be vaine, indi
streell, or a
(foole, 11851104So were there a patch
set on Learning, to
see him in a
omne bene say I, being of an olde Fathers minde,
11881106Many can brooke the weather, that loue not the winde.
11891107Dul. You two are book-men, Can you tel me by your wit,
11901108What was a month old at
Cains birth, that's not
fiue weeks
11921110Holo. Dictisima goodman
Dull, dictisima goodman
11951112Nath. A title to
Phebe, to
Luna, to the
11961113Holo. The Moone was a month old when
Adam was no
(more 11981114And rought not to
fiue-weeks when he came to
sion holdes in the Exchange.
12001116Dul. Tis true in deede, the Collu
sion holdes in the Ex
-(change. 12021117Holo. God comfort thy capacitie, I
say th'allu
sion holdes
12041119Dul. And I
say the polu
sion holdes in the Exchange: for
12051120the Moone is neuer but a month olde: and I
say be
12061121that, twas a Pricket that the Prince
sse kild.