988933Quee. What, what? Fir
st prai
se mee, and againe
say no.
short liu'd pride. Not faire? alacke for woe
991936Quee. Nay, neuer paint me now,
992937Where faire is not, prai
se cannot mend the brow.
993938Heere (good my gla
sse) take this for telling trew:
994939Faire payment for foule wordes, is more then dew.
995940For. No thing but faire is that which you inherrit.
996941Quee. See
see, my beautie wilbe
sau'd by merrit.
997942O here
sy in faire,
fit for the
se dayes,
998943A giuing hand, though fowle,
shall haue faire prai
999944But come, the Bow: Now Mercie goes to kill,
shooting well, is then accounted ill:
1001946Thus will I
saue my Credite in the
1002947Not wounding, pittie would not let me doote.
1003948If wounding then it was to
shew my
1004949That more for prai
se, then purpo
se meant to kill.
1005950And out of que
so it is
: 1006951Glorie growes guyltie of dete
sted crimes,
1007952When for Fames
sake, for prai
se an outward part,
1008953We bend to that, the working of the hart.
1009954As I for prai
se alone now
seeke to
1010955The poore Deares blood, that my hart meanes no ill.
1011956Boy. Do not cur
st wiues hold that
1012957Onely for prai
sake, when they
striue to be
1014959Quee. Onely for prai
se, and prai
se we may a
1015960To any Lady that
subdewes a Lord.
1017962Boyet, Here comes a member of the common wealth.
1018963Clo. God dig-you-den al, pray you which is the head lady?
1020964Que. Thou
shalt know her fellow by the re
st that haue no
(heads. 1022965Clow. Which is the greate
st Ladie, the highe
1023966Quee. The thicke
st, and the talle
1024967Clow. The thicke
st, and the talle
st: it is
so, trueth is trueth.
1025968And your wa
ste Mi
strs were as
slender as my wit,
1026969One a the
se Maides girdles for your wa
should be
1027970Are not you the chiefe woman? You are the thicke
st heere.