912859a man buy for a remuneration?
913860Ber. O what is a remuneration?
914861Cost. Marie
sir, halfepennie farthing.
915862Ber. O, why then threefarthing worth of Silke.
916863Cost. I thanke your wor
ship, God be wy you.
917864Ber. O
slaue, I mu
st employ thee.
918865As thou wilt win my fauour, good my knaue,
919866Do one thing for me that I
shall intreate.
920867Clow. When would you haue it done
921868Ber. O this after-noone.
922869Clow. Well, I will do it
sir: Fare you well.
923870Ber. O thou knowe
st not what it is.
924871Clow. I
shall know
sir when I haue done it.
925872Ber. Why villaine, thou mu
st know
926873Clow. I will come to your wor
ship to morrow morning.
927874Ber. It mu
st be done this after noone,
slaue, it is but this:
929876The Prince
sse comes to hunt here in the Parke,
930877And in her traine there is a gentle Ladie:
931878When tongues
sweetely, then they name her name,
Rosaline they call her, a
ske for her:
933880And to her white hand
see thou do commend
seald-vp coun
saile. Ther's thy guerdon: goe.
935882Clow. Gardon, O
sweete gardon, better then remuneratiõ.
936883a leuenpence-farthing better: mo
st sweete gardon. I will
937884do it
sir in print: gardon remuneration.
939886Ber. O and I for
soth in loue, I that haue been loues whip?
941887A verie Bedell to a humerous
sigh, a Crietick, nay a night
- 943889A domineering pedant ore the Boy, then whom no mor
- 945891This wimpled whyning purblind wayward Boy,
Iunios gyant dwar
ffe, dan
947893Regent of Loue-rimes, Lord of folded armes,
soueraigne of
sighes and groones:
949895Liedge of all loyterers and malecontents:
950896Dread Prince of Placcats, King of Codpeeces.