22702136To leade you to our Court, vouch
safe it then.
22712137Quee. This Feelde
shall holde me, and
so hold your vow:
22722138Nor God nor I delights in periurd men.
22732139King. Rebuke me not for that which you prouoke:
22742140The vertue of your eie mu
st breake my oth.
22752141Que. You nickname vertue, vice you
should haue
22762142For vertues o
ffice neuer breakes mens troth.
22772143Now by my maiden honour yet as pure,
22782144As the vn
sallied Lilly I prote
22792145A worlde of tormentes though I
should endure,
22802146I would not yeelde to be your hou
ses gue
22812147So much I hate a breaking cau
se to be
22822148Of heauenly Othes vowed with integritie.
22832149King. O you haue liu'd in de
solation heere,
seene, vnui
sited, much to our
22852151Quee. Not
so my Lord, it is not
so I
22862152We haue had pa
stimes here and plea
sant game,
22872153A me
sse of
Russians left vs but of late.
22902156Trim gallants, full of Court
ship and of
22912157Rosa. Madame
speake true: It is not
so my Lord:
22922158My Ladie (to the maner of the dayes)
22932159In curte
sie giues vnde
seruing prai
22942160We foure in deede confronted were with foure,
Russian habite: heere they
stayed an houre,
22962162And talkt apace: and in that houre (my Lord)
22972163They did not ble
sse vs with one happie word.
22982164I dare not call them fooles; but this I thinke,
22992165When they are thir
stie, fooles would faine haue drinke.
23002166Bero. This ie
st is drie to me, gentle
23012167Your wits makes wi
se thinges fooli
sh when we greete
23022168With eies be
st seeing, heauens
fierie eie:
23032169By light we loo
se light, your capacitie
23042170Is of that nature, that to your hudge
se thinges
seeme fooli
sh, and rich thinges but poore.
23062172Rosa. This proues you wi
se and rich: for in my eie.
23072173Bero. I am a foole, and full of pouertie.