395371Arm. My loue is mo
st immaculate white and red.
396372Boy. Mo
st maculate thoughts Mai
ster, are ma
skt vnder
398374Ar. De
fine, de
fine, well educated infant.
399375Boy. My fathers wit, and my mothers tongue a
ssist me.
401376Ar. Sweet inuocation of a child, mo
st pretty & pathetical.
403377Boy. Yf
she be made of white and red,
404378Her faultes will nere be knowne:
405379For blu
sh-in cheekes by faultes are bred,
406380And feares by pale white
407381Then if
she feare or be to blame,
408382By this you
shall not know,
still her cheekes po
sse the
410384Which natiue
she doth owe
411385A dangerous rime mai
ster again
st the rea
son of white & red.
413386Ar. Is there not a Ballet Boy, of the King & the Begger?
415387Boy. The worlde was very guiltie of
such a Ballet
416388three ages
since, but I thinke now tis not to be found: or if it
417389were, it would neither
serue for the writing, nor the tune.
419390Ar. I will haue that
ct newly writ ore, that I may
420391example my digre
ssion by
some mightie pre
sedent. Boy,
421392I do loue, that Countrey girle that I tooke in the Parke
422393with the rational hinde
Costard: she de
serues well.
424394Boy. To be whipt: and yet a better loue then my mai
426395Ar. Sing Boy, My
spirit growes heauie in loue.
427396Boy. And thats great maruaile, louing a light Wench.
429398Boy. Forbeare till this companie be pa
430399Enter Clowne, Constable, and Wench. 431400Constab. Sir, the Dukes plea
sure is that you keepe
C stard 432401safe, and you mu
st su
ffer him to take no delight, nor no pe
- 433402nance, but a'mu
st fa
st three dayes a weeke: for this Dam
434403I mu
st keepe her at the Parke,
she is alowde for the Day
436405Ar. I do betray my
selfe with blu
shing: Maide.
438407Ar. I will vi
sit thee at the Lodge.