868821Let me
see a fat
Lenuoy, I thats a fat Goo
869822Ar. Come hither, come hither: How did this argument
(begin? 871823Boy. By
saying that a
Costard was broken in a
872824Then cald you for the
873825Clow. True, and I for a Plantan, thus came your argument
(in, 875826Then the boyes fat
Lenuoy, the Goo
se that you bought,
876827and he ended the market.
877828Ar. But tel me, How was there a
Costard broken in a
879829Pag. I will tell you
880830Clow. Thou ha
st no feeling of it
Moth, I will
speake that
(Lenuoy. 882831I
Costard running out, that was
safely within,
883832Fell ouer the thre
shold, and broke my
884833Arm. We will talke no more of this matter.
885834Clow. Till there be more matter in the
886835Arm. Sirra
Costard, I will infranchi
se thee.
887836Clow. O marrie me to one Francis, I
889838Arm. By my
soule, I meane,
setting thee at libertie.
890839Enfreedoming thy per
son: thou wert emured, re
892841Clown. True, true, and now you wilbe my purgation,
894843Arm. I giue thee thy libertie,
set thee from durance, and in
895844lewe thereof, impo
se on thee nothing but this: Beare this
ficant to the countrey Maide
Iaquenetta: there is remu
- 897846neration, for the be
st ward of mine honour, is rewarding
898847my dependants.
Moth, follow.
899848Pag. Like the
sequell I. Signeur
Costard adew.
Exit. 901849Clow. My
sweete ouce of mans
sh, my in-conie Iew:
902850Now will I looke to his remuneration.
903851Remuneration, O that's the latine word for three-farthings:
904852Three-farthings remuration, What's the price of this yncle?
905853i.d. no, Ile giue you a remuneration: Why? it carries it re
- 906854muneration: Why? it is a fayrer name then French-Crowne.
907855I will neuer buy and
sell out of this word.
910857Ber. O my good knaue
Costard, exceedingly well met.
911858Clow. Pray you
sir, How much Carnation Ribbon may
a man