674633To morow
shall we vi
site you againe.
675634Pri. Sweete health and faire de
sires consort your grace.
676635Na. Thy owne wi
sh wi
sh I thee in euery place.
Exit. 677636Ber. Ladie I will commend you to my none hart.
678637Ros. Pray you, do my commendations, I would be glad
680639Ber. I would you heard it grone.
681640Ros. Is the foole
683642Ros. Alacke, let it blood.
684643Bar. Would that do it good?
685644Ros. My Phi
saies I.
686645Ber. Will you prickt with your eye.
687646Ros. No poynt, with my knife.
688647Ber. Now God
saue thy life.
689648Ros. And yours from long liuing.
690649Ber. I cannot
stay thankes-giuing.
Exit. 692651Dum. Sir, I pray you a word, What Ladie is that
693652Boyet. The heire of
Alanson, Rosalin her name.
694653Dum. A gallant Lady
Mounsir, fare you wel.
Exit. 695654Longauill. I be
seech you a word, What is
she in the white?
696655Boyet. A woman
sometimes, and you
saw her in the light.
697656Lon. Perchance light in the light. I de
sire her name?
698657Bo. She hath but one for her
selfe, to de
sire that were a
(shame. 700658Lon. Pray you
sir, Who
se daughter?
701659Bo. Her mothers, I haue heard.
702660Lon. Gods ble
ssing on your beard.
703661Bo. Good
sir be not o
ffended, She is an heire of
Falcon-(bridge. 705662Lon. Nay my coller is ended. She is a mo
st sweet Ladie.
707663Bo. Not vnlike
sir, that may be.
Exit Longauil. 709665Bero. Whats her name in the capp?
710666Boy. Katherin by good happ.
711667Ber, Is
she wedded or no?
712668Boy. To her will
sir, or
713669Ber. O you are welcome
sir, adew.
714670Boy. Farewell to me
sir, and welcome to you.
Exit Bero. Lady