Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: Henry V (Quarto 1, 1600)
  • Editor: James D. Mardock
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-409-7

    Copyright James D. Mardock. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: James D. Mardock
    Peer Reviewed

    Henry V (Quarto 1, 1600)

    The Chronicle Historie
    There, I do not know how you call him, but by Iesus I think
    He is as valient a man as Marke Anthonie, he doth maintain
    the bridge most gallantly: yet he is a man of no reckoning:
    1465But I did see him do gallant seruice.
    Gouer. How do you call him?
    Flew. His name is ancient Pistoll.
    Gouer. I know him not.

    Enter Ancient Pistoll.

    1470Flew. Do you not know him, here comes the man.
    Pist. Captaine, I thee beseech to do me fauour,
    The Duke of Exeter doth loue thee well.
    Flew. I, and I praise God I haue merrited some loue at (his hands.

    1475Pist. Bardolfe a souldier, one of buxsome valour,
    Hath by furious fate
    And giddy Fortunes fickle wheele,
    That Godes blinde that stands vpon the rowling restlesse(stone.

    Flew. By your patience ancient Pistoll,
    Fortune, looke you is painted,
    1480Plind with a mufler before her eyes,
    To signifie to you, that Fortune is plind:
    And she is moreouer painted with a wheele,
    Which is the morall that Fortune is turning,
    And inconstant, and variation; and mutabilities:
    And her fate is fixed at a sphericall stone
    1485Which roules, and roules, and roules:
    Surely the Poet is make an excellēt descriptiō of Fortune.
    Fortune looke you is and excellent morall.
    Pist. Fortune is Bardolfes foe, and frownes on him,
    For he hath stolne a packs, and hanged must he be:
    A damned death, let gallowes gape for dogs,
    1490Let man go free, and let not death his windpipe stop.