The Chronicle Historie
1462718 There, I do not know how you call him, but by Ie
sus I think
1463719He is as valient a man as
Marke Anthonie, he doth maintain
1464720the bridge mo
st gallantly: yet he is a man of no reckoning:
1465721But I did
see him do gallant
1467723Flew. His name is ancient
1470726Flew. Do you not know him, here comes the man.
1471727Pist. Captaine, I thee be
seech to do me fauour,
1472728The Duke of
Exeter doth loue thee well.
1473729Flew. I, and I prai
se God I haue merrited
some loue at
(his hands.
1475731Pist. Bardolfe a
souldier, one of bux
some valour,
1477733And giddy Fortunes
fickle wheele,
734That Godes blinde that
stands vpon the rowling re
1479736Flew. By your patience ancient
737Fortune, looke you is painted,
1480738Plind with a mu
fler before her eyes,
fie to you, that Fortune is plind:
she is moreouer painted with a wheele,
741Which is the morall that Fortune is turning,
1483742And incon
stant, and variation; and mutabilities:
1484743And her fate is
fixed at a
1485744Which roules, and roules, and roules:
1486745Surely the Poet is make an excellēt de
scriptiō of Fortune.
1487746Fortune looke you is and excellent morall.
1488747Pist. Fortune is
Bardolfes foe, and frownes on him,
1489748For he hath
stolne a packs, and hanged mu
st he be:
749A damned death, let gallowes gape for dogs,
1490750Let man go free, and let not death his windpipe