of Henry the fift
Exeter hath giuen the doome of death,
1493753Therefore go
speake, the Duke will heare thy voyce,
1494754And let not
Bardolfes vitall threed be cut,
755With edge of penny cord, and vile approach.
1495756Speake Captaine for his life, and I will thee requite.
1497757Flew. Captain
Pistoll, I partly vnder
stand your meaning.
1499758Pist. Why then reioyce therefore.
1500759Flew. Certainly Antient
Pistol, tis not a thing to reioyce at,
1501760For if he were my owne brother, I would wi
sh the Duke
1502761To do his plea
sure, and put him to executions: for look you,
sciplines ought to be kept, they ought to be kept.
1504763Pist. Die and be damned, and
figa for thy friend
1506765Pist. The
figge of
Spaine within thy Iawe.
1507.1767Pist. I
say the
fig within thy bowels and thy durty maw.
1507.3769Fle. Captain
Gour, cannot you hear it lighten & thunder
? 1507.4770Gour. Why is this the Ancient you told me of
? 1508771I remember him now, he is a bawd, a cutpur
1510772Flew. By Ie
sus hee is vtter as praue words vpon the bridge
1511773As you
shall de
sire to
see in a
sommers day, but its all one,
1512774What he hath
sed to me, looke you, is all one.
1514775Go. Why this is a gull, a foole, a rogue that goes to the wars
1515776Only to grace him
selfe at his returne to London:
1517778Are perfe
ct in great Commaunders names.
1518779They will learne by rote where
seruices were done,
such and
such a
sconce, at
such a breach,
781 At
such a conuoy: who came o
ff brauely, who was
1520782Who di
sgraced, what termes the enemie
stood on.
1521783And this they con perfe
ctly in phra
se of warre,
1522784Which they trick vp with new tuned oathes, & what a berd
1523785Of the Generalls cut, and a horid
shout of the campe
D Will