1119593Enter Nim, Bardolfe, Pistoll, Boy. 1119.1594Nim. Before God here is hote
1126595Pist. Tis hot indeed, blowes go and come,
596Gods va
ssals drop and die.
1126.1597Nim. Tis honor, and theres the humor of it.
1129598Boy. Would I were in London:
1130599Ide giue all my honor for a pot of Ale.
1131600Pist. And I. If wi
shes would preuaile,
1132601I would not
stay, but thither would I hie.
1136602Enter Flewellen and beates them in. 1137603Flew. Godes plud vp to the breaches
1138604You ra
scals, will you not vp to the breaches
? 1140605Nim. Abate thy rage
sweete knight,
1141.1607Boy. Well I would I were once from them:
1163608They would haue me as familiar
1164609With mens pockets, as their gloues, and their
1158610Handkerchers, they will
steale any thing.
1159611Bardolfe stole a Lute ca
se, carryed it three mile,
sold it for three hapence.
1162614I knew by that, they meant to carry coales:
1168615Well, if they will not leaue me,
616I meane to leaue them.
1170617ExitNim, Bardolfe, Pistoll, and the Boy. 1172619Gower. Gaptain
Flewellen, you mu
st come
620To the Mines, to the Duke of
of Henry the fift.
1175621Fleu. Looke you, tell the Duke it is not
so good
1176622To come to the mines: the concuaueties is otherwi
1179623You may di
sse to the Duke, the enemy is digd
fiue yardes vnder the countermines:
Iesus I thinke heele blowe vp all
1181626If there be no better dire
1259627 Enter the King and his Lords alarum. 1260628King. How yet re
solues the Gouernour of the Towne
? 1261629This is the late
st parley weele admit:
1262630Therefore to our be
st mercie giue your
1263631Or like to men proud of de
ction, de
fie vs to our wor
1264632For as I am a
souldier, a name that in my thoughts
1265633Becomes me be
st, if we begin the battery once againe
1267634I will not leaue the halfe atchieued Har
1268635Till in her a
she be buried,
1269636The gates of mercie are all
shut vp.
say you, will you yeeld and this auoyd,
1302638Or guiltie in defence be thus de
1304640Gouer. Our expe
ctation hath this day an end:
1305641The Dolphin whom of
succour we entreated,
1306642Returnes vs word, his powers are not yet ready,
1307643To rai
so great a
siege: therefore dread King,
1308644We yeeld our towne and liues to thy
soft mercie:
1309645Enter our gates, di
se of vs and ours,
1310646For we no longer are defen
siue now.