28981504Gower. But why do you weare your Leeke to day
? Saint
of Henry the fift.
29001506Flew. There is occa
sion Captaine
29041508The other day looke you,
Pistolles 1509Which you know is a man of no merites
29031510In the worell, is come where I was the other day,
29051511And brings bread and
sault, and bids me
29061512Eate my Leeke: twas in a place, looke you,
I could moue no di
29091514But if
I can
see him,
I shall tell him,
1515A litle of my de
29121516Gow. Here a comes,
swelling like a Turkecocke.
29141518Flew. Tis no matter for his
swelling, and his turkecocks,
29151519God ple
sse you Antient
Pistoll, you
1520Beggerly, low
sie knaue, God ple
sse you.
st thou thur
st ba
se Troyan,
29181523To haue me folde vp
Parcas fatall web?
I am qualmi
sh at the
smell of Leeke.
29201525Flew. Antient
Pistoll. I would de
sire you becau
29231526It doth not agree with your
stomache, and your appetite,
29241527And your dige
stions, to eate this Leeke.
29261528Pist. Not for
Cadwalleder and all his goates.
29271529Flew. There is one goate for you Antient Pi
29291531Pist. Bace Troyan, thou
shall dye.
29301532Flew. I, I know I
shall dye, meane time, I would
sire you to liue and eate this Leeke.
29361534Gower. Inough Captaine, you haue a
sht him.
29381535Flew. A
sht him, by
su, Ile beate his head
1536Foure dayes, and foure nights, but Ile
29371537Make him eate
some part of my Leeke.
Flew. I
The Chronicle Historie
29421539Flew. I out of que
stion or doubt, or ambiguities
29541542Flew. I Leekes are good, Antient
1543There is a
shilling for you to heale your bloody coxkome.
1546I haue an other Leeke for you.
29591547Pist. I take thy
shilling in earne
st of reconing.
29601548Flew. If I owe you any thing, ile pay you in cudgels,
Pistoll, God ble
sse you,
1552And heale your broken pate.
Pistoll, if you
see Leekes an other time,
2962.21554Mocke at them, that is all: God bwy you.
29641556Pist. All hell
stir for this.
29751557Doth Fortune play the hu
swye with me now
? 29781558Is honour cudgeld from my warlike lines?
France farwell, newes haue I certainly
29771560That Doll is
sicke. One mallydie of
2977.11561The warres a
ffordeth nought, home will I trug.
29791562Bawd will I turne, and v
se the
slyte of hand:
29821565And patches will I get vnto the
se skarres,
sweare I gat them in the Gallia warres.