about Nothing.
19331840Beat. As
strange as the thing I knowe not, it were as po
ssi- 19341841ble for me to
say, I loued nothing
so wel as you, but beleue me
19351842not, and yet I lie not, I confe
sse nothing, nor I deny nothing, I
19371844Bened. By my
sword Beatrice, thou loue
st me.
19381845Beat. Do not
sweare and eate it.
19391846Bened. I will
sweare by it that you loue me, and I wil make
19401847him eate it that
sayes I loue not you.
19411848Beat. Will you not eate your word?
19421849Bened. With no
sawce that can be deui
sed to it, I prote
st I
19451852Bened. VVhat o
sweete Beatrice?
19461853Beat. You haue
stayed me in a happy houre, I was about
19481855Bened. And do it with all thy heart.
19491856Beat. I loue you with
so much of my heart, that none is left
19511858Bened. Come bid me doe any thing for thee.
19531860Bened. Ha, not for the wide world.
19541861Beat. You kill me to deny it, farewell.
19561863Beat. I am gone, though I am here, there is no loue in you,
19611868Beat. You dare ea
sier be friends with mee, than
fight with
19641871Beat. Is a not approoued in the height a villaine, that hath
scorned, di
shonored my kin
swoman? O that I
19661873were a man! what, beare her in hand, vntill they come to take
19671874handes, and then with publike accu
sation vncouerd
19681875vnmittigated rancour? O God that I were a man! I woulde
G3 eate