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  • Title: Much Ado About Nothing (Quarto 1, 1600)
  • Editor: Gretchen Minton
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-516-2

    Copyright Gretchen Minton. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Gretchen Minton
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Much Ado About Nothing (Quarto 1, 1600)

    about Nothing.
    Bor Being entertain'd for a perfumer, as I was smoaking a
    musty roome, comes me the prince and Claudio, hand in
    hand in sad conference: I whipt me behind the arras, and there
    400heard it agreed vpon, that the prince should wooe Hero for
    himselfe, and hauing obtain'd her, giue her to Counte Clau-
    Iohn Come, come, let vs thither, this may proue food to my
    displeasure, that yong start-vp hath all the glory of my ouer-
    405throw: if I can crosse him any way, I blesse my selfe euery way,
    you are both sure, and wil assist me.
    Conr. To the death my Lord.
    Iohn Let vs to the great supper, their cheere is the greater
    410that I am subdued, would the cooke were a my mind, shall we
    go proue whats to be done?
    Bor. Weele wait vpon your lordship. exit.

    415 Enter Leonato, his brother, his wife, Hero his daughter, and
    Beatrice his neece, and a kinsman.
    Leonato Was not counte Iohn here at supper?
    brother I saw him not.
    Beatrice How tartely that gentleman lookes, I neuer can see
    420him but I am heart-burn'd an hower after.
    Hero He is of a very melancholy disposition.
    Beatrice He were an excellent man that were made iust in
    the mid-way between him and Benedick, the one is too like an
    image and saies nothing, and the other too like my ladies eldest
    425sonne, euermore tatling.
    Leonato Then halfe signior Benedickes tongue in Counte
    Iohns mouth, and halfe Counte Iohns melancholy in Signior
    Benedickes face.
    Beatrice With a good legge and a good foote vnckle, and
    430money inough in his purse, such a man would winne any wo-
    man in the world if a could get her good will.
    Leonato By my troth neece thou wilt neuer get thee a hus-
    band, if thou be so shrewd of thy tongue.
    brother Infaith shees too curst.
    435Beatrice Too curst is more then curst, I shall lessen
    B3 Gods