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  • Title: Much Ado About Nothing (Quarto 1, 1600)
  • Editor: Gretchen Minton
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-516-2

    Copyright Gretchen Minton. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Gretchen Minton
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Much Ado About Nothing (Quarto 1, 1600)

    about Nothing.
    1170Which is as bad as die with tickling.
    Vrsula Yet tel her of it, heare what she wil say.
    Hero No rather I will go to Benedicke,
    And counsaile him to fight against his passion,
    And truly ile deuise some honest slaunders,
    1175To staine my cosin with, one doth not know,
    How much an ill word may impoison liking.
    Vrsula O do not do your cosin such a wrong,
    She cannot be so much without true iudgement,
    Hauing so swift and excellent a wit,
    1180As she is prisde to haue, as to refuse
    So rare a gentleman as signior Benedicke.
    Hero He is the onely man of Italy,
    Alwaies excepted my deare Claudio
    Vrsula I pray you be not angry with me, madame,
    1185Speaking my fancy: signior Benedicke,
    For shape, for bearing argument and valour,
    Goes formost in report through Italy.
    Hero Indeed he hath an excellent good name.
    Vrsula His excellence did earne it, ere he had it:
    1190When are you married madame?
    Hero Why euery day to morrow, come go in,
    Ile shew thee some attyres, and haue thy counsaile,
    Which is the best to furnish me to morrow.
    Vrsula Shees limed I warrant you,
    1195We haue caught her madame.
    Hero If it proue so, then louing goes by haps,
    Some Cupid kills with arrowes some with traps.
    Beat. What fire is in mine eares? can this be true?
    Stand I condemn'd for pride and scorne so much?
    1200Contempt, farewel, and maiden pride, adew,
    No glory liues behind the backe of such.
    And Benedicke, loue on I will requite thee,
    Taming my wild heart to thy louing hand:
    If thou dost loue, my kindnesse shall incite thee
    1205To bind our loues vp in a holy band.
    For others say thou dost deserue, and I
    E Beleeue