Much adoe
905840Conuerting all your
soundes of woe,
907842Sing no more ditties,
sing no moe,
908843Of dumps
so dull and heauy,
909844The fraud of men was euer
st was leauy,
912847Prince By my troth a good
913848Balth. And an ill
singer my lord.
914849Prince Ha, no no faith, thou
st wel enough for a
916850Ben. And he had bin a dog that
should haue howld thus,
917851they would haue hangd him, and I pray God his bad voice
918852bode no mi
scheefe, I had as liue haue heard the night-rauen,
919853come what plague could haue come after it.
921854Prince Yea mary, doo
st thou heare Baltha
sar? I pray thee
922855get vs
some excellent mu
sique: for to morow night we would
923856haue it at the ladie Heroes chamber window.
924857Balth. The be
st I can my lord.
925859Prince Do
so, farewell. Come hither Leonato, what was
926860it you told mee of to day, that your niece Beatrice was in loue
928862Cla. O I,
stalke on,
stalk on, the foule
sits. I did neuer think
929863that lady would haue loued any man.
930864Leo. No nor I neither, but mo
st wonderful, that
931865so dote on
signior Benedicke, whome
she hath in all outward
seemd euer to abhorre.
933867Bene. I
st po
sits the wind in that corner?
934868Leo. By my troth my Lord, I cannot tell what to thinke of
935869it, but that
she loues him with an inraged a
ction, it is pa
st the
937871Prince May be
she doth but counterfeit.
938872Claud. Faith like enough.
939873Leon. O God! counterfeit? there was neuer counterfeit of
ssion, came
so neare the life of pa
ssion as
she di
scouers it.