Much adoe
355322mortifying mi
schiefe: I cannot hide what I am: I mu
st be
356323when I haue cau
se, and
smile at no mans ie
sts, eate when I haue
357324stomack, and wait for no mans lei
sleep when I am drow
- 358325sie, and tend on no mans bu
sse, laugh when I am mery, and
359326claw no man in his humor.
361327Con. Yea but you mu
st not make the full
show of this till
362328you may do it without controllment, you haue of late
363329out again
st your brother, and he hath tane you newly into his
364330grace, where it is impo
ssible you
should take true root, but by
365331the faire weather that you make your
self, it is needful that you
366332frame the
son for your owne harue
368333Iohn I had rather be a canker in a hedge, then a ro
se in his
369334grace, and it better
fits my bloud to be di
sdain'd of all, then to
shion a cariage to rob loue from any: in this (thogh I cannot
said to be a
flatering hone
st man) it mu
st not be denied but I
372337am a plain dealing villaine, I am tru
sted with a mu
ssel, and en
- 373338fraunchi
sde with a clogge, therfore I haue decreed, not to
374339in my cage: if I had my mouth I would bite: if I had my liber
- 375340ty I would do my liking: in the mean time, let me be that I am,
seeke not to alter me.
378342Con. Can you make no v
se of your di
379343Iohn I make all v
se of it, for I v
se it only,
380344Who comes here? what newes Borachio?
382346Bor. I came yonder from a great
supper, the prince your
383347brother is royally entertain'd by Leonato, and I can giue you
384348intelligence of an intended mariage.
385349Iohn Wil it
serue for any model to build mi
schiefe on? what
386350is he for a foole that betrothes him
selfe to vnquietne
388351Bor. Mary it is your bothers right hand.
389352Iohn Who, the mo
st exqui
site Claudio?
391354Iohn A proper
squier, and who, and who, which way looks
393356Bor. Mary one Hero the daughter and heire of Leonato.
395357Iohn A very forward March-chicke, how came you to