Much adoe
592544Bene. Come, will you go with me?
594546Bene. Euen to the next willow, about your owne bu
595547county: what fa
shion will you weare the garland of? about
596548your necke, like an V
surers chaine? or vnder your arme, like a
ffe? you mu
st weare it one way, for the prince
599551Claudio I wi
sh him ioy of her.
600552Bened. Why thats
spoken like an hone
st Drouier,
so they
601553sell bullockes: but did you thinke the Prince would haue
- 603555Claudio I pray you leaue me.
604556Benedicke Ho now you
strike like the blindman, twas the
605557boy that
stole your meate, and youle beate the po
606558Claudio If it will not be, ile leaue you.
exit 607559Benedicke Alas poore hurt foule, now will hee creepe into
608560sedges: but that my Ladie Beatrice
should know me, and not
609561know mee: the princes foole! hah, it may be I goe vnder that
610562title becau
se I am merry: yea but
so I am apte to doe my
611563wrong: I am not
so reputed, it is the ba
se (though bitter) di
- 612564sition of Beatrice, that puts the world into her per
son, and
613565giues me out: well, ile be reuenged as I may.
615566 Enter the Prince, Hero, Leonato, Iohn and Borachio, 616568Pedro Now
signior, wheres the Counte, did you
see him?
618569Benedicke Troth my lord, I haue played the part of Ladie
619570Fame, I found him heere as melancholy as a Lodge in a War
- 620571ren, I tolde him, and I thinke I tolde him true, that your grace
621572had got the goodwil of this yoong Lady, and I o
ffred him my
622573company to a willow tree, either to make him a garland, as be
- 623574ing for
saken, or to binde him vp a rod, as being worthie to bee
625576Pedro To be whipt, whats his fault?
626577Benedicke The
flatte tran
ssion of a Schoole-boy, who
627578being ouer-ioyed with
finding a birds ne
shewes it his com
- 628579panion, and he
steales it.
629580Pedro Wilt thou make a tru
st a tran
ssion? the tran
s- sion