about Nothing.
11701097Which is as bad as die with tickling.
11711098Vrsula Yet tel her of it, heare what
she wil
11721099Hero No rather I will go to Benedicke,
11731100And coun
saile him to
fight again
st his pa
11741101And truly ile deui
some hone
st slaunders,
staine my co
sin with, one doth not know,
11761103How much an ill word may impoi
son liking.
11771104Vrsula O do not do your co
such a wrong,
11781105She cannot be
so much without true iudgement,
swift and excellent a wit,
she is pri
sde to haue, as to refu
11811108So rare a gentleman as
signior Benedicke.
11821109Hero He is the onely man of Italy,
11831110Alwaies excepted my deare Claudio
11841111Vrsula I pray you be not angry with me, madame,
11851112Speaking my fancy:
signior Benedicke,
shape, for bearing argument and valour,
11871114Goes formo
st in report through Italy.
11881115Hero Indeed he hath an excellent good name.
11891116Vrsula His excellence did earne it, ere he had it:
11911118Hero Why euery day to morrow, come go in,
shew thee
some attyres, and haue thy coun
11931120Which is the be
st to furni
sh me to morrow.
11941121Vrsula Shees limed I warrant you,
11961123Hero If it proue
so, then louing goes by haps,
11971124Some Cupid kills with arrowes
some with traps.
11981125Beat. What
fire is in mine eares? can this be true?
11991126Stand I condemn'd for pride and
so much?
12001127Contempt, farewel, and maiden pride, adew,
12011128No glory liues behind the backe of
12021129And Benedicke, loue on I will requite thee,
12031130Taming my wild heart to thy louing hand:
12041131If thou do
st loue, my kindne
shall incite thee
12051132To bind our loues vp in a holy band.
12061133For others
say thou do
st de
serue, and I
E Beleeue