Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Gretchen Minton
Not Peer Reviewed

Much Ado About Nothing (Quarto 1, 1600)

about Nothing.
is not that strange?
Beat. As strange as the thing I knowe not, it were as possi-
ble for me to say, I loued nothing so wel as you, but beleue me
1935not, and yet I lie not, I confesse nothing, nor I deny nothing, I
am sory for my coosin.
Bened. By my sword Beatrice, thou louest me.
Beat. Do not sweare and eate it.
Bened. I will sweare by it that you loue me, and I wil make
1940him eate it that sayes I loue not you.
Beat. Will you not eate your word?
Bened. With no sawce that can be deuised to it, I protest I
loue thee.
Beat. Why then God forgiue me.
1945Bened. VVhat offence sweete Beatrice?
Beat. You haue stayed me in a happy houre, I was about
to protest I loued you.
Bened. And do it with all thy heart.
Beat. I loue you with so much of my heart, that none is left
1950to protest.
Bened. Come bid me doe any thing for thee.
Beat. Kill Claudio.
Bened. Ha, not for the wide world.
Beat. You kill me to deny it, farewell.
1955Bened. Tarry sweete Beatrice.
Beat. I am gone, though I am here, there is no loue in you,
nay I pray you let me go.
Bened. Beatrice.
Beat. In faith I will go.
1960Bened. VVeele be friends first.
Beat. You dare easier be friends with mee, than fight with
mine enemy.
Bened. Is Claudio thine enemy?
Beat. Is a not approoued in the height a villaine, that hath
1965slaundered, scorned, dishonored my kinswoman? O that I
were a man! what, beare her in hand, vntill they come to take
handes, and then with publike accusation vncouerd slaunder,
vnmittigated rancour? O God that I were a man! I woulde
G3 eate