Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: As You Like It (Folio 1, 1623)
  • Editor: David Bevington
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-369-4

    Copyright David Bevington. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: David Bevington
    Peer Reviewed

    As You Like It (Folio 1, 1623)

    Scena Quarta.
    Enter Rosaline for Ganimed, Celia for Aliena, and
    Clowne, alias Touchstone.
    Ros. O Iupiter, how merry are my spirits?
    785Clo. I care not for my spirits, if my legges were not
    Ros. I could finde in my heart to disgrace my mans
    apparell, and to cry like a woman: but I must comfort
    the weaker vessell, as doublet and hose ought to show it
    790selfe coragious to petty-coate; therefore courage, good
    Cel. I pray you beare with me, I cannot goe no fur-
    Clo. For my part, I had rather beare with you, then
    795beare you: yet I should beare no crosse if I did beare
    you, for I thinke you haue no money in your purse.
    Ros. Well, this is the Forrest of Arden.
    Clo. I, now am I in Arden, the more foole I, when I
    was at home I was in a better place, but Trauellers must
    800be content.
    Enter Corin and Siluius.
    Ros. I, be so good Touchstone: Look you, who comes
    here, a yong man and an old in solemne talke.
    Cor. That is the way to make her scorne you still.
    805Sil. Oh Corin, that thou knew'st how I do loue her.
    Cor. I partly guesse: for I haue lou'd ere now.
    Sil. No Corin, being old, thou canst not guesse,
    Though in thy youth thou wast as true a louer
    As euer sigh'd vpon a midnight pillow:
    810But if thy loue were euer like to mine,
    As sure I thinke did neuer man loue so:
    How many actions most ridiculous,
    Hast thou beene drawne to by thy fantasie?
    Cor. Into a thousand that I haue forgotten.
    815Sil. Oh thou didst then neuer loue so hartily,
    If thou remembrest not the slightest folly,
    That euer loue did make thee run into,
    Thou hast not lou'd.
    Or if thou hast not sat as I doe now,
    820Wearing thy hearer in thy Mistris praise,
    Thou hast not lou'd.
    Or if thou hast not broke from companie,
    Abruptly as my passion now makes me,
    Thou hast not lou'd.
    825O Phebe, Phebe, Phebe. Exit.
    Ros. Alas poore Shepheard searching of they would,
    I haue by hard aduenture found mine owne.
    Clo. And I mine: I remember when I was in loue, I
    broke my sword vpon a stone, and bid him take that for
    830comming a night to Iane Smile, and I remember the kis-
    sing of her batler, and the Cowes dugs that her prettie
    chopt hands had milk'd; and I remember the wooing
    of a peascod instead of her, from whom I tooke two
    cods, and giuing her them againe, said with weeping
    835teares, weare these for my sake: wee that are true Lo-
    uers, runne into strange capers; but as all is mortall in
    nature, so is all nature in loue, mortall in folly.
    Ros. Thou speak'st wiser then thou art ware of.
    Clo. Nay, I shall nere be ware of mine owne wit, till
    840I breake my shins against it.
    Ros. Ioue, Ioue, this Shepherds passion,
    Is much vpon my fashion.
    Clo. And mine, but it growes something stale with
    845Cel. I pray you, one of you question yon'd man,
    If he for gold will giue vs any foode,
    I faint almost to death.
    Clo. Holla; you Clowne.
    Ros. Peace foole, he's not thy kinsman.
    850Cor. Who cals?
    Clo. Your betters Sir.
    Cor. Else are they very wretched.
    Ros. Peace I say; good euen to your friend.
    Cor. And to you gentle Sir, and to you all.
    855Ros. I prethee Shepheard, if that loue or gold
    Can in this desert place buy entertainment,
    Bring vs where we may rest our selues, and feed:
    Here's a yong maid with trauaile much oppressed,
    And faints for succour.
    860Cor. Faire Sir, I pittie her,
    And wish for her sake more then for mine owne,
    My fortunes were more able to releeue her:
    But I am shepheard to another man,
    And do not sheere the Fleeces that I graze:
    865My master is of churlish disposition,
    And little wreakes to finde the way to heauen
    By doing deeds of hospitalitie.
    Besides his Coate, his Flockes, and bounds of feede
    Are now on sale, and at our sheep-coat now
    870By reason of his absence there is nothing
    That you will feed on: but what is, come see,
    And in my voice most welcome shall you be.
    Ros. What is he that shall buy his flocke and pasture?
    Cor. That yong Swaine that you saw heere but ere-
    That little cares for buying any thing.
    Ros. I pray thee, if it stand with honestie,
    Buy thou the Cottage, pasture, and the flocke,
    And thou shalt haue to pay for it of vs.
    880Cel. And we will mend thy wages:
    I like this place, and willingly could
    Waste my time in it.
    Cor. Assuredly the thing is to be sold:
    Go with me, if you like vpon report,
    885The soile, the profit, and this kinde of life,
    I will your very faithfull Feeder be,
    And buy it with your Gold right sodainly. Exeunt.