Peer Reviewed
- Edition: As You Like It
As You Like It (Folio 1, 1623)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
- Facsimiles
As you like it.
1098And haue with holy bell bin knowld to Church,
1100Of drops, that sacred pity hath engendred:
1102And take vpon command, what helpe we haue
1103That to your wanting may be ministred.
1104Orl. Then but forbeare your food a little while:
1105Whiles (like a Doe) I go to finde my Fawne,
1106And giue it food. There is an old poore man,
1107Who after me, hath many a weary steppe
1109Opprest with two weake euils, age, and hunger,
1110I will not touch a bit.
1112And we will nothing waste till you returne.
1115This wide and vniuersall Theater
1116Presents more wofull Pageants then the Sceane
1117Wherein we play in.
1119And all the men and women, meerely Players;
1120They haue their Exits and their Entrances,
1121And one man in his time playes many parts,
1123Mewling, and puking in the Nurses armes:
1124Then, the whining Schoole-boy with his Satchell
1126Vnwillingly to schoole. And then the Louer,
1127Sighing like Furnace, with a wofull ballad
1129Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the Pard,
1130Ielous in honor, sodaine, and quicke in quarrell,
1131Seeking the bubble Reputation
1132Euen in the Canons mouth: And then, the Iustice
1133In faire round belly, with good Capon lin'd,
1134With eyes seuere, and beard of formall cut,
1137Into the leane and slipper'd Pantaloone,
1141Turning againe toward childish trebble pipes,
1146Enter Orlando with Adam.
1148then, and let him feede.
1150Ad. So had you neede,
1152Du.Sen. Welcome, fall too: I wil not trouble you,
1153As yet to question you about your fortunes:
1156 Blow, blow, thou winter winde,
1157Thou art not so vnkinde, as mans ingratitude
1159 although thy breath be rude.
1160Heigh ho, sing heigh ho, vnto the greene holly,
1162 The heigh ho, the holly,
1167 as freind remembred not.
1170As you haue whisper'd faithfully you were,
1172Most truly limn'd, and liuing in your face,
1173Be truly welcome hither: I am the Duke
1174That lou'd your Father, the residue of your fortune,
1175Go to my Caue, and tell mee. Good old man,
1176Thou art right welcome, as thy masters is:
1177Support him by the arme: giue me your hand,
1179Actus Tertius. Scena Prima,
1180Enter Duke, Lords, & Oliuer.
1182But were I not the better part made mercie,
1184Of my reuenge, thou present: but looke to it,
1185Finde out thy brother wheresoere he is,
1186Seeke him with Candle: bring him dead, or liuing
1187Within this tweluemonth, or turne thou no more
1188To seeke a liuing in our Territorie.
1189Thy Lands and all things that thou dost call thine,
1191Till thou canst quit thee by thy brothers mouth,
1192Of what we thinke against thee.
1194I neuer lou'd my brother in my life.
1197Make an extent vpon his house and Lands:
1198Do this expediently, and turne him going. Exeunt
1199Scena Secunda.
1200Enter Orlando.
1202And thou thrice crowned Queene of night suruey
1207That euerie eye, which in this Forrest lookes,
1209Run, run Orlando, carue on euery Tree,
1211Enter Corin & Clowne.