Henry the fourth.
875773Poines O that this blo
ssome could be kept from cankers!
876774well, there is
sixpence to pre
serue thee.
877775Bard. And you do not make him hangd among you, the gal
- 879777Prince And how doth thy ma
ster Bardolfe?
880778Bard. Well my Lord, he heard of your graces comming to
881779towne, theres a letter for you.
882780Poynes Deliuerd with good re
ct, and how doth the mar
- 884782Bard. In bodily health
885783Poynes Mary the immortall part needes a phi
sitian, but that
886784moues not him, though that be
sicke, it dies not.
888785Prince I do allow this Wen to be as familiar with me, as my
889786dogge, and he holds his place, for looke you how he writes.
euery man must know that
892788as oft as he has occa
sion to name him
selfe: euen like tho
se that
893789are kin to the King for they neuer pricke their
finger, but they
894790saye, theres
some of the Kings bloud
spilt: how comes that
saies he) that takes vppon him not to conceiue the an
swer is as
896792ready as a borowed cap: I am the Kings poore co
898793Prince Nay they will be kin to vs, or they will fetch it from
Sir Iohn Falstaffe knight, to the sonne of
900795the king, neare
st his father, Harry prince of Wales, greeting.
902796Poynes Why this is a certi
I will imitate the honourable Romanes in breuitie.
905799Poynes He
sure meanes breuity in breath,
short winded,
I commend mee to thee, I commend thee, and, I leaue
907801thee, be not too familiar with Poynes, for he mi
ses thy fa
- 908802uours
so much, that he
sweares thou art to mary his
sister Nel,
909803repent at idle times as thou mai
st, and
so farwel.
910804Thine by yea, and no, which is as much as to
say, as
911805thou v
st him, Iacke Fal
ffe with my family,
912806Iohn with my brothers and
sisters, and
sir Iohn
914808Poynes My Lord, Ile
steep this letter in
sacke and make him
D eate