Henry the fourth.
463418you pray, all you that ki
sse my lady Peace at home, that our
464419armies ioyne not in a hote day, for, by the Lord, I take but two
465420shirts out with me, and I meane not to
sweate extraordinarily:
466421if it be a hot day, & I brandi
sh any thing but a bottle. I would
467422I might neuer
spit white again: there is not a dangerous a
468423can peepe out his head, but I am thru
st vpon it. Wel, I cannot
st euer, but it was alway yet the tricke of our Engli
sh nation,
469.1425if they haue a good thing, to make it too common. If yee will
say I am an olde man, you
should giue me re
st: I would
469.3427to God my name were not
so terrible to the enemy as it is, I
469.4428were better to be eaten to death with a ru
st, than to be
469.5429to nothing with perpetuall motion.
470430Lord Well, be hone
st, be hone
st, and God ble
sse your ex
- 472432Iohn Will your lord
ship lend me a thou
sand pound to fur
- 474434Lord Not a penny, not a penny, you are too impatient to
475435beare cro
sses: fare you well: commend mee to my coo
477437Iohn If I do,
fillip me with a three man beetle: A man can
478438no more
separate age and couetou
sse, than a can part yong
479439limbs and lechery, but the gowt galles the one, and the pox
480440pinches the other, and
so both the degrees preuent my cur
(boy. 483442Iohn What money is in my pur
484443Boy Seuen groates and two pence.
485444Iohn I can get no remedy again
st this con
sumption of the
se, borrowing onely lingers and lingers it out, but the di
s- 487446ea
se is incurable: Go beare this letter to my lord of Lanca
488447this to the Prince, this to the Earle of We
stmerland, and this to
489448olde mi
stris Vr
sula, whome I haue weekely
sworne to marry
490449since I perceiud the
st white haire of my chin: about it, you
491450know where to
finde me: a pox of this gowt, or a gowt of this
492451pox, for the one or the other playes the rogue with my great
494452toe. Tis no matter if I doe hault, I haue the warres for my
495453color, and my pen
seeme the more rea
sonable: a good