Henry the fourth.
see performd the tenure of my word:
set on.
32852912Iohn Ma
ster Shallow I ow you a thou
sand pound.
32862913Shal. Yea mary
sir Iohn, which I be
seech you to let me haue
32882915Iohn That can hardly be, ma
ster Shalow: do not you grieue
32892916at this, I
shall be
sent for in priuate to him, looke you, hee mu
st 32902917seeme thus to the world: feare not your aduauncements, I will
32912918be the man yet that
shal make you great.
32922919Shal. I cannot perceiue how, vnle
sse you giue me your
32932920dublet, and
ffe me out with
straw: I be
seech you good
32942921Iohn let me haue
fiue hundred of my thou
32962922Iohn Sir I will be as good as my worde, this that you heard
32982924Shall. A collor that I feare you will die in
sir Iohn.
32992925Iohn Feare no colours, go with me to dinner:
33002926Come lieftenant Pi
stol, come Bardolfe,
Enter Iustice and prince Iohn 33012927I
shall be
sent for
soone at night.
33022928Iustice Go cary
sir Iohn Fal
stalfe to the Fleet,
33032929Take all his company along with him.
33052931Iust. I cannot now
speake, I will heare you
soone, take them
33072933Pist. Si fortuna me tormenta spero contenta.
33092934Iohn I like this faire proceeding of the Kings,
33102935He hath intent his wonted followers
33112936Shall all be very well prouided for,
33122937But all are bani
sht till their conuer
33132938Appeare more wi
se and mode
st to the worlde.
33152940Iohn The King hath cald his parlament my lord.
33182942Iohn I wil lay ods, that ere this yeere expire,
33192943We beare our ciuil
swords and natiue
33202944As farre as France, I heard a bird
se mu
sique, to my thinking, plea
sde the King:
L First