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  • Title: Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)
  • Editor: Rosemary Gaby

  • Copyright Rosemary Gaby. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Rosemary Gaby
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

    The second part of
    Into the hands of Iustice you did commit me:
    For which I do commit into your hand,
    Th'vnstained sword that you haue vsde to beare,
    3000With this remembrance, that you vse the same
    With the like bold, iust, and impartial spirit,
    As you haue done gainst me: there is my hand,
    You shall be as a father to my youth,
    My voice shall sound as you do prompt mine eare,
    3005And I wil stoope and humble my intents,
    To your well practizde wise directions.
    And princes all, beleeue me I beseech you,
    My father is gone wild into his graue:
    For in his toomb lie my affections,
    3010And with his spirites sadly I suruiue,
    To mocke the expectation of the world,
    To frustrate prophecies, and to race out,
    Rotten opinion, who hath writ me downe
    After my seeming, the tide of bloud in me
    3015Hath prowdely flowd in vanitie till now:
    Now doth it turne, and ebbe backe to the sea,
    Where it shall mingle with the state of flouds,
    And flow henceforth in formall maiestie.
    Now call we our high court of parliament,
    3020And let vs chuse such limbs of noble counsaile,
    That the great bodie of our state may goe,
    In equall ranke with the best gouernd Nation,
    That warre, or peace, or both at once, may be,
    As things acquainted and familiar to vs,
    3025In which your father shall haue formost hand:
    Our coronation done, we wil accite,
    (As I before remembred) all our state,
    And (God consigning to my good intents,)
    No prince nor peere shall haue iust cause to say,
    3030God shorten Harries happy life one day. exit.
    Enter sir Iohn, Shallow, Scilens, Dauy, Bardolfe, page.
    Shal. Nay you shall see my orchard, where, in an arbour we