Henry the fourth.
1051917Quickly Yfaith
sweet heart, me thinkes now you are in an
1052918excellent good temperalitie. Your pul
sidge beates as extraor
- 1053919dinarily as heart would de
sire, and your colour I warrant you
1054920is as red as any ro
se, in good truth law: but yfaith you haue
1055921drunke too much cannaries, and thats a maruelous
1056922wine, and it perfumes the bloud ere one can
say, whats this,
1058924Tere. Better then I was: hem.
1059925Qui. Why thats well
said, a good heart's worth gold: loe
When Arthur first in court,
empty the iourdan
: how now mistris Doll?
1064930host. Sicke of a calme, yea good faith.
1065931Falst. So is all her
ct, and they be once in a calme they are
1067933Tere. A pox damne you, you muddie ra
scall, is that all the
1069935Falst. You make fat ra
scals mi
stris Dol.
1070936Tere. I make them? gluttonie, and di
ses make, I make
1072938Falst. If the cooke help to make the gluttonie, you helpe to
1073939make the di
ses Doll, we catch of you Doll, we catch of you
1074940graunt that my poore vertue, grant that.
1075941Doll Yea ioy, our chaines and our iewels.
1076942Fa. Your brooches, pearles, & ouches for to
serue brauely,
1077943is to come halting o
ff, you know to come o
ff the breach, with
1078944his pike bent brauely, and to
surgerie brauely, to venture vpon
1079945the chargde chambers brauely.
1079.1946Doll Hang your
selfe, you muddie Cunger, hang your
1081948host By my troth this is the old fa
shion, you two neuer meet
1082949but you fall to
some di
scord, you are both ygood truth as rew
1083950matique as two dry to
sts, you cannot one beare with anothers
1084951cõfirmities, what the goodyere one mu
st beare, & that mu
st be
1086952you, you are the weaker ve
ssell, as they
say, the emptier ve
D3 Doll.