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  • Title: Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)
  • Editor: Rosemary Gaby

  • Copyright Rosemary Gaby. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Rosemary Gaby
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

    Henry the fourth.
    Quickly Yfaith sweet heart, me thinkes now you are in an
    excellent good temperalitie. Your pulsidge beates as extraor-
    dinarily as heart would desire, and your colour I warrant you
    is as red as any rose, in good truth law: but yfaith you haue
    1055drunke too much cannaries, and thats a maruelous searching
    wine, and it perfumes the bloud ere one can say, whats this,
    how do you now?
    Tere. Better then I was: hem.
    Qui. Why thats well said, a good heart's worth gold: loe
    1060here comes sir Iohn.
    enter sir Iohn.
    sir Iohn
    When Arthur first in court,
    empty the iourdan
    was a worthy King
    : how now mistris Doll?
    host. Sicke of a calme, yea good faith.
    1065Falst. So is all her sect, and they be once in a calme they are
    Tere. A pox damne you, you muddie rascall, is that all the
    comfort you giue me?
    Falst. You make fat rascals mistris Dol.
    1070Tere. I make them? gluttonie, and diseases make, I make
    them not.
    Falst. If the cooke help to make the gluttonie, you helpe to
    make the diseases Doll, we catch of you Doll, we catch of you
    graunt that my poore vertue, grant that.
    1075Doll Yea ioy, our chaines and our iewels.
    Fa. Your brooches, pearles, & ouches for to serue brauely,
    is to come halting off, you know to come off the breach, with
    his pike bent brauely, and to surgerie brauely, to venture vpon
    the chargde chambers brauely.
    1079.1Doll Hang your selfe, you muddie Cunger, hang your
    host By my troth this is the old fashion, you two neuer meet
    but you fall to some discord, you are both ygood truth as rew
    matique as two dry tosts, you cannot one beare with anothers
    firmities, what the goodyere one must beare, & that must be
    you, you are the weaker vessell, as they say, the emptier vessel.
    D3 Doll.