The second part of
426382Falst. Not
so my lord, your ill angell is light, but I hope he
427383that lookes vpon me will take me without weighing, and yet
some re
cts I grant I cannot go. I cannot tell, vertue is of
429385so little regard in the
se co
star-mongers times, that true valour
430386is turnd Berod, Pregnancie is made a Tap
ster, & his quick wit
sted in giuing reckonings, all the other giftes appertinent
432388to man, as the malice of his age
shapes the one not worth a
sbery, you that are old con
sider not the capacities of vs that
435390are yong, you doe mea
sure the heate of our liuers with the bit
- 436391terne
sse of your galles, and we that are in the vaward of our
437392youth, I mu
st confe
sse are wagges too.
438393Lo. Do you
set downe your name in the
scroule of youth,
439394that are written downe, old with all the chara
cters of age? haue
440395you not a moi
st eie, a dry hand, a yelow cheeke, a white beard,
441396a decrea
sing leg, an increa
sing belly? is not your voice broken,
442397your winde
short, your chinne double, your wit
single, and e
- 443398uery part about you bla
sted with antiquitie, and will you yet
444399call your
selfe yong?
sir Iohn.
445400Iohn My Lorde, I was borne about three of the clocke in
401the afternoone, with a white head, and
something a round bel
- 446402lie, for my voyce, I haue lo
st it with hallowing, and
singing of
447403Anthems: to approoue my youth further, I will not: the truth
448404is, I am onely olde in iudgement and vnder
standing: and hee
449405that wil caper with me for a thou
sand markes, let him lend me
450406the money, and haue at him for the boxe of the yeere that the
451407Prince gaue you, he gaue it like a rude Prince, and you tooke
452408it like a
sible Lord: I haue checkt him for it, and the yong
453409lion repents, mary not in a
shes and
sackcloth, but in new
456411Lord Well, God
send the prince a better companion.
457412Iohn God
send the companion a better prince, I cannot
459414Lord Well, the King hath
seuerd you: I heare you are go
- 460415ing with lord Iohn of Lanca
ster, again
st the Archbi
shop and
461416the Earle of Northumberland.
462417Iohn Yea, I thanke your prety
sweet witte for it: but looke