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  • Title: Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)
  • Editor: Rosemary Gaby

  • Copyright Rosemary Gaby. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Rosemary Gaby
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

    Henry the fourth.
    of what place?
    Cole. I am a Knight sir, and my name is Coleuile of the
    2240Fal. well then, Colleuile is your name, a Knight is your de-
    gree, and your place the dale: Coleuile shalbe still your name,
    a traitor your degree, & the dungeon your place, a place deep
    enough, so shall you be stil Colleuile of the Dale.
    2245Colle. Are not you sir Iohn Falstaffe?
    Fal. As good a man as he sir, who ere I am: doe ye yeelde
    sir, or shall I sweat for you? if I doe sweate, they are the drops
    of thy louers, and they weepe for thy death, therefore rowze
    vp feare and trembling, and do obseruance to my mercie.
    Colle. I think you are sir Iohn Falstaffe, and in that thought
    yeelde me.
    Fal. I haue a whole school of tongues in this belly of mine,
    and not a tongue of them all speakes any other word but my
    2255name, and I had but a belly of any indifferencie, I were simply
    the most actiue fellow in Europe: my womb, my wombe, my
    womb vndoes me, heere comes our Generall.
    Enter Iohn Westmerland, and the rest. Retraite
    2260Iohn The heate is past, follow no further now,
    Call in the powers good coosin Westmerland.
    Now Falstaffe, where haue you beene all this while?
    When euery thing is ended, then you come:
    These tardy trickes of yours wil on my life
    2265One time or other breake some gallowes backe.
    Fal. I would bee sory my lord, but it shoulde bee thus: I
    neuer knew yet but Rebuke and Checke, was the rewarde of
    Valor: do you thinke me a swallow, an arrow, or a bullet? haue
    I in my poore and old motion the expedition of thought? I
    2270haue speeded hither with the very extreamest inch of possibi-
    lity, I haue foundred ninescore and od postes, and here trauell
    tainted as I am, haue in my pure and immaculate valour, ta-
    ken sir Iohn Colleuile of the Dale, a most furious Knight and
    2275valorous enemy,: but what of that? he sawe me, and yeelded,
    that I may iustly say with the hooke-nosde fellow of Rome,