Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Editor: Rosemary Gaby
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

Henry the fourth.
875Poines O that this blossome could be kept from cankers!
well, there is sixpence to preserue thee.
Bard. And you do not make him hangd among you, the gal-
lowes shall haue wrong.
Prince And how doth thy master Bardolfe?
880Bard. Well my Lord, he heard of your graces comming to
towne, theres a letter for you.
Poynes Deliuerd with good respect, and how doth the mar-
tlemasse your master?
Bard. In bodily health sir.
885Poynes Mary the immortall part needes a phisitian, but that
moues not him, though that be sicke, it dies not.
Prince I do allow this Wen to be as familiar with me, as my
dogge, and he holds his place, for looke you how he writes.
Iohn Falstaffe Knight,
euery man must know that
as oft as he has occasion to name himselfe: euen like those that
are kin to the King for they neuer pricke their finger, but they
saye, theres some of the Kings bloud spilt: how comes that
895(saies he) that takes vppon him not to conceiue the answer is as
ready as a borowed cap: I am the Kings poore cosin, sir.
Prince Nay they will be kin to vs, or they will fetch it from
Iaphet, but the letter,
Sir Iohn Falstaffe knight, to the sonne of
900the king, nearest his father, Harry prince of Wales, greeting.
Poynes Why this is a certificate.
Prince Peace.
I will imitate the honourable Romanes in breuitie.
905Poynes He sure meanes breuity in breath, short winded,
I commend mee to thee, I commend thee, and, I leaue
thee, be not too familiar with Poynes, for he misuses thy fa-
uours so much, that he sweares thou art to mary his sister Nel,
repent at idle times as thou maist, and so farwel.
910Thine by yea, and no, which is as much as to say, as
thou vsest him, Iacke Falstaffe with my family,
Iohn with my brothers and sisters, and sir Iohn
with all Europe.
Poynes My Lord, Ile steep this letter in sacke and make him
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