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  • Title: Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 2, 1599)
  • Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
  • ISBN: 1-55058-299-2

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
    Peer Reviewed

    Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 2, 1599)

    The most lamentable Tragedie
    Your liues shall pay the forfeit of the peace.
    100For this time all the rest depart away:
    You Capulet shall go along with me,
    And Mountague come you this afternoone,
    To know our farther pleasure in this case:
    To old Free-towne, our common iudgement place:
    105Once more on paine of death, all men depart.
    Mounta. Who set this auncient quarell new abroach?
    Speake Nephew, were you by when it began?
    Ben. Here were the seruants of your aduersarie
    And yours, close fighting ere I did approach,
    110I drew to part them, in the instant came
    The fierie Tybalt, with his sword preparde,
    Which as he breath'd defiance to my eares,
    He swoong about his head and cut the windes,
    Who nothing hurt withall, hist him in scorne:
    115While we were enterchaunging thrusts and blowes,
    Came more and more, and fought on part and part,
    Till the Prince came, who parted either part.
    Wife. O where is Romeo, saw you him to day?
    Right glad I am, he was not at this fray.
    120Benuo. Madam, an houre before the worshipt Sun,
    Peerde forth the golden window of the East,
    A troubled minde driue me to walke abroad,
    Where vnderneath the groue of Syramour,
    That Westward rooteth from this Citie side:
    125So early walking did I see your sonne,
    Towards him I made, but he was ware of me,
    And stole into the couert of the wood,
    I measuring his affections by my owne,
    Which then most sought, where most might not be (found:
    130Being one too many by my wearie selfe,
    Pursued my humor, not pursuing his,
    And gladly shunned, who gladly fled from me.
    Mounta. Many a morning hath he there bin seene,