The most lamentable Tragedie
13611340My back a tother
side, a my backe, my backe:
shrewe your heart for
sending me about
13631342To catch my death with iaun
sing vp and downe.
13641343Iu. Ifaith I am
sorrie that thou art not well.
sweete Nur
se, tell me what
sayes my loue?
13661345Nur. Your loue
sayes like an hone
st gentleman,
13671346And a Courteous, and a kinde, and a hand
13681347And I warrant a vertuous, where is your mother?
13691348 Iu. Where is my mother, why
she is within, wher
she be?
13721350Your loue
sayes like an hone
st gentleman,
13751353Are you
so hot, marrie come vp I trow,
13761354Is this the poultis for my aking bones:
13771355Henceforward do your me
ssages your
13781356Iu. Heres
such a coyle, come what
13791357Nur. Haue you got leaue to go to
shrift to day?
13811359Nur. Then high you hence to Frier
Lawrence Cell,
stayes a husband to make you a wife:
13831361Now comes the wanton bloud vp in your cheekes,
13841362Theile be in
straight at any newes:
13851363Hie you to Church, I mu
st an other way,
13861364To fetch a Ladder by the which your loue
st climbe a birds nea
st soone when it is darke,
13881366I am the drudge, and toyle in your delight:
13891367But you
shall beare the burthen
soone at night.
13901368Go ile to dinner, hie you to the Cell.
13911369Iuli. Hie to high fortune,hone
st Nur
se farewell.
13931372Fri. So
smile the heauens vpon this holy a
13941373That after houres, with
sorrow chide vs not.
13951374Ro. Amen, amen, but come what
sorrow can,
13961375It cannot counteruaile the exchange of ioy