of Romeo and Iuliet.
11691160Ro. O
solde iea
singular for the
11711161Mer. Come betweene vs good
Benuolio, my wits faints.
11721162Ro. Swits and
swits and
spurres, or ile crie a match.
11741163 Mer. Nay, if our wits run the wildgoo
se cha
se, I am done:
11751164For thou ha
st more of the wildgoo
se in one of thy wits, then I
sure I haue in my whole
fiue. Was I with you there for the
11781167 Ro. Thou wa
st neuer with me for any thing, when thou wa
st 11801169Mer. I will bite thee by the eare for that iea
11821171 Mer. Thy wit is very bitter
sweeting, it is a mo
st sharp
11841172Rom. And is it not then well
seru'd in to a
sweete goo
11851173 Mer. Oh heres a wit of Cheuerell, that
stretches from an
11871175 Ro. I
stretch it out for that word broad, which added to the
se, proues thee farre and wide a broad goo
11891177 Mer. Why is not this better now then groning for loue,
11901178art thou
sociable, now art thou
Romeo: now art thou what thou
11911179art, by art as well as by nature, for this driueling loue is like a
11921180great naturall that runs lolling vp and downe to hide his bable
11951183 Mer. Thou de
st me to
stop in my tale again
st the haire.
11961184Ben. Thou would
st el
se haue made thy tale large.
11971185 Mer. O thou art deceiu'd; I would haue made it
short, for I
11981186was come to the whole depth of my tale, and meant indeed to
12011188Ro. Heeres goodly geare.
Enter Nurse and her man. 12031190Mer. Two two, a
shert and a
12071194 Mer. Good
Peter to hide her face, for her fans the fairer face.
12091195Nur. God ye goodmorrow Gentlemen.
E 3 Mer. God