The most lamentable Tragedie
465476Being but heauie I will beare the light.
466477 Mercu. Nay
gētle Romeo,we mu
st haue you dance.
467478Ro. Not I beleeue me, you haue dancing
468479With nimble
soles, I haue a
soule of Leade
stakes me to the ground I cannot moue.
470481Mer. You are a Louer, borrow
Cupids wings,
sore with them aboue a common bound.
472483Rom. I am too
sore enpearced with his
sore with his light feathers, and
so bound,
474485I cannot bound a pitch aboue dull woe,
475486Vnder loues heauie birthen do I
476487 Horatio. And to
sink in it
should you burthen loue,
477488Too great oppre
ssion for a tender thing.
478489Rom. Is loue a tender thing? it is too rough,
479490Too rude, too boy
strous, and it pricks like thorne.
480491 Mer. If loue be rough with you, be rough with loue
481492Prick loue for pricking, and you beate loue downe,
482493Giue me a ca
se to put my vi
sage in,
483494 A vi
sor for a vi
sor, what care I
484495What curious eye doth cote deformities:
485496Here are the beetle browes
shall blu
sh for me.
486497Benu. Come knock and enter, and no
sooner in,
487498But euery man betake him to his legs.
488499Ro. A torch for me, let wantons light of heart
489500Tickle the
sse ru
shes with their heeles:
490501For I am prouerbd with a graun
sire phra
491502Ile be a candle-holder and looke on,
492503The game was nere
so faire, and I am dum.
493504 Mer. Tut, duns the mou
se, the Con
stables own word:
494505If thou art dun, weele draw thee from the mire
saue you reuerence loue, wherein thou
st 496507Vp to the eares, come we burne daylight ho.
498509Mer. I meane
sir in delay
499510We wa
ste our lights in vaine, lights lights by day:
500511Take our good meaning, for our indgement