of Romeo and Iuliet.
17581727Which you mi
staking o
ffer vp to ioy,
17591728My husband liues that
Tybalt would haue
Tybalts dead that would haue
slain my husband:
17611730All this is comfort, wherefore weepe I then?
17621731Some word there was, wor
ser then
Tybalts death
17631732That murdred me, I would forget it faine,
17641733But oh it pre
sses to my memorie,
17651734Like damned guiltie deeds to
sinners mindes,
17661735Tybalt is dead and
Romeo bani
17671736That bani
shed, that one word bani
slaine ten thou
Tybalts: Tybalts death
17691738Was woe inough if it had ended there:
17701739Or if
sower woe delights in fellow
17711740And needly will be ranckt with other griefes,
17721741Why followed not when
Tybalts dead,
17731742Thy father or thy mother, nay or both,
17741743Which moderne lamentation might haue moued,
17751744But with a reareward following
Tybalts death,
17761745Romeo is bani
shed: to
speake that word,
17771746Is father, mother,
Tybalt, Romeo, Iuliet, 17781747All
slaine, all dead:
Romeo is bani
17791748There is no end, no limit, mea
sure bound,
17801749In that words death, no words can that woe
17811750Where is my father and my mother Nur
17821751Nur. Weeping and wayling ouer
Tybalts cour
17831752Will you go to them? I will bring you thither.
17841753 Iu. Wa
sh they his wounds with teares? mine
shall be
(spent, 17851754When theirs are drie, for
Romeos bani
17861755Take vp tho
se cordes, poore ropes you are beguilde,
17871756Both you and I for
Romeo is exilde:
17881757He made you for a highway to my bed,
17891758But I a maide, die maiden widowed.
17901759Come cordes, come Nur
se, ile to my wedding bed,
17911760And death not
Romeo, take my maiden head.
17921761Nur. Hie to your chamber, Ile
Romeo 17931762To comfort you, I wot well where he is:
G 3 Harke