The most lamentable Tragedie
14311410 Enter Mercutio, Benuolio, and men. 14321411Ben. I pray thee good
Mercutio lets retire,
14331412The day is hot, the
Capels abroad:
14341413And if we meete we
shall not
scape a brawle, for now the
se hot
14351414daies, is the mad blood
14361415 Mer. Thou art like one of the
se fellowes, that when he enters
14371416the con
fines of a Tauerne, claps me his
sword vpon the table,
sayes, God
send me no need of thee: and by the operation
14391418of the
second cup, draws him on the drawer, when indeed there
14421421 Mer. Come, come, thou art as hot a Iacke in thy moode as
14431422any in
Italie: and a
ssoone moued to be moodie, and a
14461425 Mer. Nay and there were two
such, we
should haue none
14471426shortly, for one would kill the other: thou, why thou wilt
14481427quarell with a man that hath a haire more, or a haire le
sse in his
14491428beard, then thou ha
st: thou wilt quarell with a man for cracking
14501429Nuts, hauing no other rea
son, but becau
se thou ha
st ha
sel eyes:
14511430what eye, but
such an eye wold
spie out
such a quarrel? thy head
14521431is as full of quarelles, as an egge is full of meate, and yet thy
14531432head hath bene beaten as addle as an egge for quarelling: thou
st quareld with a man for co
ffing in the
streete, becau
se hee
14551434hath wakened thy dogge that hath laine a
sleep in the
sun. Did
st 14571435thou not fall out with a taylor for wearing his new doublet be
- 14581436fore Ea
ster, with an other for tying his new
shooes with olde ri
- 14591437band, and yet thou wilt tuter me from quarelling?
14611438 Ben. And I were
so apt to quarell as thou art, any man
14621439buy the fee-
simple of my life for an houre and a quarter.
14651441 Enter Tybalt, Petruchio, and others. 14661442Ben. By my head here comes the
Capulets. 14681444Tybalt. Follow me clo
se, for I will
speake to them.
14691445Gentlemen, Good den, a word with one of you.