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  • Title: Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)
  • Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
  • ISBN: 1-55058-299-2

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)

    Enter olde Capolet, his Wife, Nurse, and
    2424.1Capo:Where are you sirra?
    Sor:Heere forsooth.
    Capo:Goe, prouide me twentie cunning Cookes.
    Ser:I warrant you Sir, let me alone for that, Ile knowe
    them by licking their fingers.
    Capo:How canst thou know them so?
    2430Ser:Ah Sir, tis an ill Cooke cannot licke his owne fin-
    Capo:Well get you gone.
    2433.1Exit Seruingman.
    But where's this Head-strong?
    2437.1Moth:Shees gone (my Lord) to Frier Laurence Cell
    To be confest.
    Capo:Ah, he may hap to doo some good of her,
    A headstrong selfewild harlotrie it is.
    of Romeo and Iuliet.
    Enter Iuliet.
    Moth:See here she commeth from Confession,
    Capo:How now my Head-strong, where haue you bin
    Iul:Where I haue learned to repent the sin
    Of froward wilfull opposition
    2445Gainst you and your behests, and am enioynd
    By holy Laurence to fall prostrate here,
    And craue remission of so foule a fact.
    2447.1She kneeles downe.
    Moth:Why thats well said.
    Capo:Now before God this holy reuerent Frier
    All our whole Citie is much bound vnto.
    2455Goe tell the Countie presently of this,
    For I will haue this knot knit vp to morrow.
    Iul:Nurse, will you go with me to my Closet,
    2460To sort such things as shall be requisite
    Against to morrow.
    2461.1Moth:I pree thee doo, good Nurse goe in with her,
    Helpe her to sort Tyres, Rebatoes, Chaines,
    And I will come vnto you presently,
    Nur:Come sweet hart, shall we goe?
    2461.5Iul:I pree thee let vs.
    2465Exeunt Nurse and Iuliet.
    Moth:Me thinks on Thursday would be time enough.
    2462.1Capo:I say I will haue this dispatcht to morrow,
    Goe one and certefie the Count thereof.
    Moth:I pray my Lord, let it be Thursday.
    Capo:I say to morrow while shees in the mood.
    Moth:We shall be short in our prouision.
    The excellent Tragedie
    Capo:Let me alone for that, goe get you in,
    2475Now before God my heart is passing light,
    To see her thus conformed to our will. Exeunt.