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  • Title: Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)
  • Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
  • ISBN: 1-55058-299-2

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)

    The excellent Tragedie

    1704.1Iul: Ah Romeo, Romeo, what disaster hap
    Hath seuerd thee from thy true Iuliet?
    Ah why shou'd Heauen so much conspire with Woe,
    Or Fate enuie our happie Marriage,
    1704.5So soone to sunder vs by timelesse Death?
    Nur: O Tybalt, Tybalt, the best frend I had,
    O honest Tybalt, curteous Gentleman.
    Iul: What storme is this that blowes so contrarie,
    1715Is Tybalt dead, and Romeo murdered:
    My deare loude cousen, and my dearest Lord.
    Then let the trumpet sound a generall doome,
    These two being dead, then liuing is there none.
    Nur: Tybalt is dead, and Romeo banished,
    1720Romeo that murdred him is banished.
    Iul: Ah heauens, did Romeos hand shed Tybalts blood?
    Nur: It did, it did, alacke the day it did.
    Iul: O serpents hate, hid with a flowring face :
    1724.1O painted sepulcher, including filth.
    1735Was neuer booke containing so foule matter,
    So fairly bound. Ah, what meant Romeo?
    Nur: There is no truth, no faith, no honestie in men:
    All false, all faithles, periurde, all forsworne.
    Shame come to Romeo.
    Iul: A blister on that tung, he was not borne to shame:
    1745Vpon his face Shame is ashamde to sit.
    But wherefore villaine didst thou kill my Cousen?
    1755That villaine Cousen would have kild my husband.
    All this is comfort. But there yet remaines
    Worse than his death, which faine I would forget:
    But ah, it presseth to my memorie,
    Romeo is banished. Ah that word Banished
    Is worse than death. Romeo is banished,
    Is Father, Mother, Tybalt, Iuliet,
    All killd, all slaine, all dead, all banished.
    Where are my Father and my Mother Nurse?
    Nur: Weeping and wayling ouer Tybalts coarse.