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  • Title: Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)
  • Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
  • ISBN: 1-55058-299-2

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)

    of Romeo and Iuliet.

    Enter one with Romets Man.
    30501.Heeres Romeos Man.
    Capt:Keepe him to be examinde.

    Enter Prince with others.
    Prin:What early mischiefe calls vs vp so soone.
    3059.1Capt:O noble Prince, see here
    Where Iuliet that hath lyen intoombed two dayes,
    Warme and fresh bleeding, Romeo and Countie Paris
    3069.1Likewise newly slaine.
    3070Prin:Search seeke about to finde the murderers.

    Enter olde Capolet and his Wife.
    Capo:What rumor's this that is so early vp?
    Moth:The people in the streetes crie Romeo,
    And some on Iuliet: as if they alone
    3065Had been the cause of such a mutinie.
    Capo:See Wife, this dagger hath mistooke:
    For (loe) the backe is emptie of yong Mountague,
    And it is sheathed in our Daughters breast.

    Enter olde Mountague.
    Prin:Come Mountague, for thou art early vp,
    To see thy Sonne and Heire more early downe.
    3085Mount:Dread Souereigne, my Wife is dead to night,
    And yong Benuolio is deceased too:
    What further mischiefe can there yet be found?
    Prin:First come and see, then speake.
    Mount:O thou vntaught, what manners is in this
    3090To presse before thy Father to a graue.
    Prin:Come seale your mouthes of outrage for a while,
    3091.1And let vs seeke to finde the Authors out
    Of such a hainous and seld seene mischaunce.
    Bring forth the parties in suspition.
    Fr:I am the greatest able to doo least.
    3098.1Most worthie Prince, heare me but speake the truth.
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