of Romeo and Iuliet.
2874.22125Par:The boy giues warning,
something doth approach.
2874.32126What cur
sed foote wanders this was to night,
stay my ob
sequies and true loues rites?
2874.52128What with a torch, mu
ffle me night a while.
28752129Rom:Giue mee this mattocke, and this wrentching I
- 28762131And take the
se letters early in the morning,
28772132See thou deliuer them to my Lord and Father.
28792133So get thee gone and trouble me no more.
28812134Why I de
scend into this bed of death,
28822135Is partly to behold my Ladies face,
28832136But chie
fly to take from her dead
28842137A precious ring which I mu
st v
28852138In deare imployment but if thou wilt
28862139Further to prie in what I vndertake,
28882140By heauen Ile teare thee ioynt by ioynt,
strewe thys hungry churchyard with thy lims.
28902142The time and my intents are
sauage, wilde.
28932143Balt:Well, Ile be gone and not trouble you.
shalt thou win my fauour, take thou this,
28952145Commend me to my Father, farwell good fellow.
28962146Balt:Yet for all this will I not part from hence.
28982148Rom:Thou dete
stable maw, thou womb of death,
28992149Gorde with the deare
st mor
sell of the earth.
29002150Thus I enforce thy rotten iawes to ope.
29022151Par:This is that bani
sht haughtie
Mountague, 29032152That murderd my loues co
sen, I will apprehend him.
29072153Stop thy vnhallowed toyle vile
Mountague. 29082154Can vengeance be pur
sued further then death?
29092155I doe attach thee as a fellon heere.
29102156The Law condemnes thee, therefore thou mu
st dye.
29112157Rom:I mu
st indeed, and therefore came I hither,
29122158Good youth begone, tempt not a de
sperate man.
K Heape