The excellent Tragedie
28422100Iohn:Well I will pre
sently go fetch thee them.
Exit. 28432101Laur:Now mu
st I to the Monument alone,
st that the Ladie
should before I come
2843.32104To free her from that Tombe of mi
28512105Enter Countie Paris and his Page with flowers
28522107Par:Put out the torch, and lye thee all along
28542108Vnder this Ew-tree, keeping thine eare clo
se to the hollow
28582110And if thou heare one tread within this Churchyard,
28632114Par:Sweete Flower, with
flowers I
strew thy Bridale
2863.12116Sweete Tombe that in thy circuite do
st containe,
Iuliet that with Angells do
st remaine,
2863.52120That liuing honourd thee, and being dead
2863.62121With funerall prai
ses doo adorne thy Tombe.
28742123Enter Romeo and Balthasar, with a torch, a Par: