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  • Title: Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)
  • Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
  • ISBN: 1-55058-299-2

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Romeo and Juliet (Quarto 1, 1597)

    The most excellent Tragedie,

    What I haue spoke: but farewell complements.
    Doest thou loue me? Nay I know thou wilt say I,
    And I will take thy word: but if thou swearst,
    890Thou maiest proue false:
    At Louers periuries they say Ioue smiles.
    Ah gentle Romeo, if thou loue pronounce it faithfully:
    Or if thou thinke I am too easely wonne,
    Il'e frowne and say thee nay and be peruerse,
    895So thou wilt wooe: but els not for the world,
    In truth faire Mountague, I am too fond,
    And therefore thou maiest thinke my hauiour light:
    But trust me gentleman Ile proue more true,
    Than they that haue more cunning to be strange.
    900I should haue bin strange I must confesse,
    But that thou ouer-heardst ere I was ware
    My true loues Passion: therefore pardon me,
    And not impute this yeelding to light loue,
    Which the darke night hath so discouered.
    905Ro: By yonder blessed Moone I sweare,
    That tips with siluer all these fruit trees tops.
    Jul: O sweare not by the Moone the vnconstant (Moone,
    That monthlie changeth in her circled orbe,
    Least that thy loue proue likewise variable.
    910Ro: Now by
    Iul: Nay doo not sweare at all,
    Or if thou sweare, sweare by thy glorious selfe,
    Which art the God of my Idolatrie,
    And il'e beleeue thee.
    915Ro: If my true harts loue
    Iul: Sweare not at al, though I doo ioy in (thee
    I haue small ioy in this contract to night,
    It is too rash, too sodaine, too vnaduisde,