of Romeo and Iuliet.
29792194How oft to night haue the
se my aged feete
29802195Stumbled at graues as I did pa
sse along.
29812197Man.A frend and one that knowes you well.
29822198Fr:Who is it that con
so late the dead,
29832199What light is yon? if I be not deceived,
29852200Me thinkes it burnes in
Capels monument?
29862201ManIt doth
so holy Sir, and there is one
29902205Fr:How long hath he beene there?
29912206Man:Full halfe an houre and more.
29932208Man:I dare not
sir, he knowes not I am heere:
29952209On paine of death he chargde me to be gone,
29962210And not for to di
sturbe him in his enterprize.
29972211Fr:Then mu
st I goe: my minde pre
sageth ill.
2997.12212Fryer stoops and lookes on the blood and weapons.
30032213What blood is this that
staines the entrance
30052215What meanes the
se mai
sterles and goory weapons?
30072216Ah me I doubt, who
se heere? what R
omeo dead?
30082217Who and
Paris too? what vnluckie houre
30092218Is acce
ssary to
so foule a
K2 Iul: