Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
The History of King Leir
36What seuerall Suters your princely daughters haue,
37To make them eche a Ioynter more or lesse,
38As is their worth, to them that loue professe.
42Both old and young shall haue alike for me.
44That God had lent you an heyre indubitate,
45Which might haue set vpon your royall throne,
48And as by you, by him we might haue peace.
49But after-wishes euer come too late,
50And nothing can reuoke the course of fate:
52To match them with some of your neighbour Kings,
53Bordring within the bounds of Albion,
57And mine (I hope) do sort with heauenly powers:
58For at this instant two neere neyghbouring Kings
59Of Cornwall and of Cambria, motion loue
60To my two daughters, Gonorill and Ragan.
61My youngest daughter, fayre Cordella, vowes
62No liking to a Monarch, vnlesse loue allowes.
63She is sollicited by diuers Peeres;
64But none of them her partiall fancy heares.
65Yet, if my policy may her beguyle,
66Ile match her to some King within this Ile,
69Perillus. Of vs & ours, your gracious care, my Lord,
71To be inrol'd in Chronicles of fame,
72By neuer-dying perpetuity: