Peer Reviewed
- Edition: King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
and his three daughters.
604That maketh me a patterne of her power?
605Ah, poore weake mayd, whose imbecility
606Is far vnable to indure these brunts.
607Oh, father Leir, how dost thou wrong thy child,
608Who alwayes was obedient to thy will!
609But why accuse I fortune and my father?
610No, no, it is the pleasure of my God:
611And I do willingly imbrace the rod.
613On fortune, and th'vnkindnesse of her father.
615I will exchange for other meaner habit.
616Mum. Now if I had a Kingdome in my hands,
617I would exchange it for a milkmaids smock and petycoate,
619Cord. I will betake me to my threed and Needle,
620And earne my liuing with my fingers ends.
623For all the shirts and night-geare that I weare.
627For if I do, I think my heart will breake.
630As that I know not which way to get out.
633Mum. Prithy Wil, to her, and try her patience.
635That euer any mortall eyes beheld,
636Vouchsafe to me, who haue o'reheard thy woes,
639When there's no meanes to find a remedy?
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