Peer Reviewed
- Edition: King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
The History of King Leir
643Releas'd the princely Lyon from the net.
645The tragick tale of my vnhappy youth:
646Know this in briefe, I am the haplesse daughter
647Of Leir, sometimes King of Brittany.
648King. Why, who debarres his honourable age,
649From being still the King of Brittany?
651And giuen all his Kingdome to the Kings
654Cor. He lou'd me not, & therfore gaue me nothing,
657Doth Fortune tryumph in my ouerthrow.
660To craue your loue, would you accept of him?
662Nor do not think, though fortune haue the power,
665For if the greatest Monarch on the earth,
666Should sue to me in this extremity,
667Except my heart could loue, and heart could like,
668Better then any that I euer saw,
670Then mountaynes moue by blast of euery wind.
673Therefore in witnesse of my true intent,
674Let heauen and earth beare record of my words:
675There is a young and lusty Gallian King,
676So like to me, as I am to my selfe,
677That earnestly doth craue to haue thy loue,
678And ioyne with thee in Hymens sacred bonds.