Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 1 (Folio 1, 1623)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 1 (Folio 1, 1623)

    Scena secunda.
    Enter King, Glocester, and Exeter.
    2335 King. Haue you perus'd the Letters from the Pope,
    The Emperor, and the Earle of Arminack?
    Glo. I haue my Lord, and their intent is this,
    They humbly sue vnto your Excellence,
    To haue a godly peace concluded of,
    2340Betweene the Realmes of England, and of France.
    King. How doth your Grace affect their motion?
    Glo. Well (my good Lord) and as the only meanes
    To stop effusion of our Christian blood,
    And stablish quietnesse on euery side.
    2345 King. I marry Vnckle, for I alwayes thought
    It was both impious and vnnaturall,
    That such immanity and bloody strife
    Should reigne among Professors of one Faith.
    Glo. Beside my Lord, the sooner to effect,
    2350And surer binde this knot of amitie,
    The Earle of Arminacke neere knit to Charles,
    A man of great Authoritie in France,
    Proffers his onely daughter to your Grace,
    In marriage, with a large and sumptuous Dowrie.
    2355 King. Marriage Vnckle? Alas my yeares are yong:
    And fitter is my studie, and my Bookes,
    Than wanton dalliance with a Paramour.
    Yet call th'Embassadors, and as you please,
    So let them haue their answeres euery one:
    2360I shall be well content with any choyce
    Tends to Gods glory, and my Countries weale.
    Enter Winchester, and three Ambassadors.
    Exet. What, is my Lord of Winchester install'd,
    And call'd vnto a Cardinalls degree?
    2365Then I perceiue, that will be verified
    Henry the Fift did sometime prophesie.
    If once he come to be a Cardinall,
    Hee'l make his cap coequall with the Crowne.
    King. My Lords Ambassadors, your seuerall suites
    2370Haue bin consider'd and debated on,
    Your purpose is both good and reasonable:
    And therefore are we certainly resolu'd,
    To draw conditions of a friendly peace,
    Which by my Lord of Winchester we meane
    2375Shall be transported presently to France.
    Glo. And for the proffer of my Lord your Master,
    I haue inform'd his Highnesse so at large,
    As liking of the Ladies vertuous gifts,
    Her Beauty, and the valew of her Dower,
    2380He doth intend she shall be Englands Queene.
    King. In argument and proofe of which contract,
    Beare her this Iewell, pledge of my affection.
    And so my Lord Protector see them guarded,
    And safely brought to Douer, wherein ship'd
    2385Commit them to the fortune of the sea. Exeunt.
    Win. Stay my Lord Legate, you shall first receiue
    The summe of money which I promised
    Should be deliuered to his Holinesse,
    For cloathing me in these graue Ornaments.
    2390 Legat. I will attend vpon your Lordships leysure.
    Win. Now Winchester will not submit, I trow,
    Or be inferiour to the proudest Peere;
    Humfrey of Gloster, thou shalt well perceiue,
    That neither in birth, or for authoritie,
    2395The Bishop will be ouer-borne by thee:
    Ile either make thee stoope, and bend thy knee,
    Or sacke this Country with a mutiny. Exeunt