Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Henry VI, Part 1
Henry VI, Part 1 (Folio 1, 1623)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
674Actus Secundus. Scena Prima.
675 Enter a Sergeant of a Band, with two Sentinels.
677If any noyse or Souldier you perceiue
679Let vs haue knowledge at the Court of Guard.
681(When others sleepe vpon their quiet beds)
683 Enter Talbot, Bedford, and Burgundy, with scaling
684 Ladders: Their Drummesbeating a
685 Dead March.
686 Tal. Lord Regent, and redoubted Burgundy,
687By whose approach, the Regions of Artoys,
688Wallon, and Picardy, are friends to vs:
689This happy night, the Frenchmen are secure,
690Hauing all day carows'd and banquetted,
691Embrace we then this opportunitie,
693Contriu'd by Art, and balefull Sorcerie.
695Dispairing of his owne armes fortitude,
696To ioyne with Witches, and the helpe of Hell.
697 Bur. Traitors haue neuer other company.
702If vnderneath the Standard of the French
703She carry Armour, as she hath begun.
709That we do make our entrance seuerall wayes:
710That if it chance the one of vs do faile,
712 Bed. Agreed; Ile to yond corner.
713 Bur. And I to this.
715Now Salisbury, for thee and for the right
717How much in duty, I am bound to both.
719 Cry, S. George, A Talbot.
720 The French leape ore the walles in their shirts. Enter
721 seuerall wayes, Bastard, Alanson, Reignier,
722 halfe ready, and halfe vnready.
726Hearing Alarums at our Chamber doores.
728Nere heard I of a warlike enterprize
730 Bast. I thinke this Talbot be a Fiend of Hell.
733 Enter Charles and Ioane.
737Make vs partakers of a little gayne,
739 Ioane. Wherefore is Charles impatient with his friend?
740At all times will you haue my Power alike?
742Or will you blame and lay the fault on me?
743Improuident Souldiors, had your Watch been good,
746That being Captaine of the Watch to Night,
747Did looke no better to that weightie Charge.
749As that whereof I had the gouernment,
755I was imploy'd in passing to and fro,
756About relieuing of the Centinels.
760But weakely guarded, where the breach was made:
763And lay new Plat-formes to endammage them.
764 Exeunt.
765 Alarum. Enter a Souldier, crying, a Talbot, a Talbot:
766 they flye, leauing their Clothes behind.
768The Cry of Talbot serues me for a Sword,
769For I haue loaden me with many Spoyles,