Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 1 (Folio 1, 1623)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 1 (Folio 1, 1623)

    The first Part of Henry the Sixt.
    480And euen these three dayes haue I watcht,
    If I could see them. Now doe thou watch,
    For I can stay no longer.
    If thou spy'st any, runne and bring me word,
    And thou shalt finde me at the Gouernors. Exit.
    485 Boy. Father, I warrant you, take you no care,
    Ile neuer trouble you, if I may spye them. Exit.

    Enter Salisbury and Talbot on the Turrets,
    with others.
    Salisb. Talbot, my life, my ioy, againe return'd?
    490How wert thou handled, being Prisoner?
    Or by what meanes got's thou to be releas'd?
    Discourse I prethee on this Turrets top.
    Talbot. The Earle of Bedford had a Prisoner,
    Call'd the braue Lord Ponton de Santrayle,
    495For him was I exchang'd, and ransom'd.
    But with a baser man of Armes by farre,
    Once in contempt they would haue barter'd me:
    Which I disdaining, scorn'd, and craued death,
    Rather then I would be so pil'd esteem'd:
    500In fine, redeem'd I was as I desir'd.
    But O, the trecherous Falstaffe wounds my heart,
    Whom with my bare fists I would execute,
    If I now had him brought into my power.
    Salisb. Yet tell'st thou not, how thou wert enter-
    Tal. With scoffes and scornes, and contumelious taunts,
    In open Market-place produc't they me,
    To be a publique spectacle to all:
    Here, sayd they, is the Terror of the French,
    510The Scar-Crow that affrights our Children so.
    Then broke I from the Officers that led me,
    And with my nayles digg'd stones out of the ground,
    To hurle at the beholders of my shame.
    My grisly countenance made others flye,
    515None durst come neere, for feare of suddaine death.
    In Iron Walls they deem'd me not secure:
    So great feare of my Name 'mongst them were spread,
    That they suppos'd I could rend Barres of Steele,
    And spurne in pieces Posts of Adamant.
    520Wherefore a guard of chosen Shot I had,
    That walkt about me euery Minute while:
    And if I did but stirre out of my Bed,
    Ready they were to shoot me to the heart.
    Enter the Boy with a Linstock.
    525 Salisb. I grieue to heare what torments you endur'd,
    But we will be reueng'd sufficiently.
    Now it is Supper time in Orleance:
    Here, through this Grate, I count each one,
    And view the Frenchmen how they fortifie:
    530Let vs looke in, the sight will much delight thee:
    Sir Thomas Gargraue, and Sir William Glansdale,
    Let me haue your expresse opinions,
    Where is best place to make our Batt'ry next?
    Gargraue. I thinke at the North Gate, for there stands
    Glansdale. And I heere, at the Bulwarke of the
    Talb. For ought I see, this Citie must be famisht,
    Or with light Skirmishes enfeebled. Here they shot, and
    540 Salisbury falls downe.
    Salisb. O Lord haue mercy on vs, wretched sinners.
    Gargraue. O Lord haue mercy on me, wofull man.
    Talb. What chance is this, that suddenly hath crost vs?
    Speake Salisbury; at least, if thou canst, speake:

    545How far'st thou, Mirror of all Martiall men?
    One of thy Eyes, and thy Cheekes side struck off?
    Accursed Tower, accursed fatall Hand,
    That hath contriu'd this wofull Tragedie.
    In thirteene Battailes, Salisbury o'recame:
    550Henry the Fift he first trayn'd to the Warres.
    Whil'st any Trumpe did sound, or Drum struck vp,
    His Sword did ne're leaue striking in the field.
    Yet liu'st thou Salisbury? though thy speech doth fayle,
    One Eye thou hast to looke to Heauen for grace.
    555The Sunne with one Eye vieweth all the World.
    Heauen be thou gracious to none aliue,
    If Salisbury wants mercy at thy hands.
    Beare hence his Body, I will helpe to bury it.
    Sir Thomas Gargraue, hast thou any life?
    560Speake vnto Talbot, nay, looke vp to him.
    Salisbury cheare thy Spirit with this comfort,
    Thou shalt not dye whiles----
    He beckens with his hand, and smiles on me:
    As who should say, When I am dead and gone,
    565Remember to auenge me on the French.
    Plantaginet I will, and like thee,
    Play on the Lute, beholding the Townes burne:
    Wretched shall France be onely in my Name.
    Here an Alarum, and it Thunders and Lightens.
    570What stirre is this? what tumult's in the Heauens?
    Whence commeth this Alarum,} nd the noyse?
    Enter a Messenger.
    Mess. My Lord, my Lord, the French haue gather'd head.
    The Dolphin, with one Ioane de Puzel ioyn'd,
    575A holy Prophetesse, new risen vp,
    Is come with a great Power, to rayse the Siege.
    Here Salisbury lifteth himselfe vp, and groanes.
    Talb. Heare, heare, how dying Salisbury doth groane,
    It irkes his heart he cannot be reueng'd.
    580Frenchmen, Ile be a Salisbury to you.
    Puzel or Pussel, Dolphin or Dog-fish,
    Your hearts Ile stampe out with my Horses heeles,
    And make a Quagmire of your mingled braines.
    Conuey me Salisbury into his Tent,
    585And then wee'le try what these dastard Frenchmen dare.
    Alarum. Exeunt.

    Here an Alarum againe, and Talbot pursueth the Dolphin,
    and driueth him: Then enter Ioane de Puzel,
    driuing Englishmen before her.
    590 Then enter Talbot.
    Talb. Where is my strength, my valour, and my force?
    Our English Troupes retyre, I cannot stay them,
    A Woman clad in Armour chaseth them.
    Enter Puzel.
    595Here, here shee comes. Ile haue a bowt with thee:
    Deuill, or Deuils Dam, Ile coniure thee:
    Blood will I draw on thee, thou art a Witch,
    And straightway giue thy Soule to him thou seru'st.
    Puzel. Come, come, 'tis onely I that must disgrace
    600thee. Here they fight.
    Talb. Heauens, can you suffer Hell so to preuayle?
    My brest Ile burst with straining of my courage,
    And from my shoulders crack my Armes asunder,
    But I will chastise this high-minded Strumpet.
    605 They fight againe.
    Puzel. Talbot farwell, thy houre is not yet come,
    I must goe Victuall Orleance forthwith:
    A short Alarum: then enter the Towne
    with Souldiers.